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Genia Photonics is mentionned in the testimony of Honorable Tara O’Toole, M.D., MPH Under Secretary for Science and Technology, U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Horable Tara O’Toole, under secretary for science and technology of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, stated the partnership of Genia Photonics with In-Q-Tel during her testimony released on Nov. 17, 2011. Here is an excerpt of the testimony.


S&T has also begun engaging with the private sector via investments through In-Q-Tel. In 1999, the Central Intelligence Agency supported the establishment of In-Q-Tel as a not-for-profit strategic investment firm designed to bridge the gap between new advances in commercial technology and the technology needs of the U.S. intelligence and security communities. Most In-Q-Tel investments combine funds from more than one partner agency, allowing S&T to leverage significant investments from the Intelligence Community.

S&T’s first project via In-Q-Tel was just announced with a company called Genia Photonics. This company developed a tunable laser source for the medical community and S&T is investigating the feasibility of this technology to perform non-contact, trace explosives detection. S&T expects to close four more In-Q-Tel deals in the next few months. All of these projects are expected to produce transition-ready technologies in the next 12 to 24 months. S&T’s total investment of $6.7 million is leveraging $11.5 million in investments by other government agencies. In addition, In-Q-Tel reports that $1 of government investment can attract $10 in private sector funding.


For the full testimony, follow this link: